


“America is on the wrong track and the politicians in Washington are only making it worse with crippling inflation, open borders, rising crime, and their political games – all while we struggle in the real world. My goal for Congress is simple: make government work for you again and focus on the priorities that will help us the most right away. There is much to be done, but by concentrating on core issues first, we can begin to get back on track.”

Ryan’s 12 Priorities To Get America Back On Track

Reduce wasteful government spending that is driving inflation – increasing the costs of food, energy, and housing on every American – and competing with private sector investment.

Secure our nation’s border and finish building the wall. Take real action on illegal immigration by withholding taxpayer-funded grants from sanctuary cities, and requiring deportation for illegal immigrants caught committing other crimes. Crack down on birth tourism and policies that encourage anchor babies. Re-instate Remain in Mexico. Promote merit-based legal immigration that protects American workers, promotes American values, and rewards connections to America like speaking English.

Stop cuts to Social Security and Medicare. Uphold these sacred commitments to our seniors by ensuring no reductions in their benefits. Workers and retirees have already worked and paid into these programs. We MUST keep our word to them. It is the government that has failed them, not the other way around.

Protect and promote American jobs and manufacturing. Expand the required use of E-Verify for new hires to make sure that only American citizens and those allowed to work in the country are placed into employment. Require fair trade practices, focus on and invest in career and technical education.

Support energy independence by encouraging American energy exploration, extraction, and production. Oppose cap-and-tax schemes that prioritize a radical climate agenda over the realities of safe, clean, affordable American energy.

Increase access and affordability of healthcare by protecting medical freedom and expanding personal options. Provide more choice to reduce healthcare and prescription drug costs, and protect pre-existing condition coverage.

Focus drug and anti-crime policies on today’s challenges. Crack down on drugs streaming into America with the help of Mexican drug cartels and direct shipment of drugs like fentanyl coming from China. Hire and retain more law enforcement officers – including funding for U.S. Customs and Border protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) – focused on drug and gang corridors that move drugs and lead to human trafficking. Punish the over-prescribing of opioids by bad doctors and produced by pill mills. Expand treatment options for individuals whose lives are being destroyed by drug abuse.

Respect those who protect our nation and communities. Support our military with the resources they need to ensure peace throughout the world through American strength and by focusing on direct American interests rather than forever wars. Increase funding for our police, firefighters, and EMS; promote volunteerism and community engagement; and, stand up against demoralizing "defund the police" policies. Support our veterans by providing choice for medical care and continuous improvements to the VA, addressing homelessness issues, supporting suicide prevention efforts, and assisting veterans with the transition back to jobs in the private sector.

Cut and eliminate taxes that are taking money out of the pockets of American workers and impeding economic growth; just merely holding the line is not enough. Stop the overregulation that is crushing America’s entrepreneurial spirit, return to the practice of removing two regulations for every new one, support the REINS Act to require Congressional approval for all new major rules, ensure faster permitting, and end ridiculous regulations like WOTUS that infringe upon the rights of farmers and ranchers.

Implement a comprehensive plan to take on China. Revamp American supply chains for essential medical, technological, and national security items. Support exploration and extraction of critical minerals in America. Stop the sale of American agriculture land, critical infrastructure, and land near military bases to investors with ties to the CCP. Crack down on theft of American intellectual property. Ban TikTok on all government devices and in taxpayer-funded venues like public schools, divest retirement funds from assets tied to the CCP, and investigate Chinese investment or donations tied to the CCP made to colleges and universities.

Build strong communities with resources for local infrastructure, and by only supporting organizations and non-profits that share our American values. No more tax dollars to people who hate our country and what we stand for.

Implement term limits for elected officials and bureaucrats. Ban Members of Congress from trading stocks based on insider information. Require transparency in grant funding to end conflicts of interest when Members of Congress steer money to former clients, employers, business partners, or entities tied to family members.

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